Roger & Laura Dye
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose. — Romans 8:28
Thirty years ago we committed ourselves to full time ministry.
Your prayers and giving are a vital part in proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ around the world. Thank you! It has been a joy to partner with you!
As church-planting missionaries, our congregation in Chile was growing: new believers coming to Christ, families growing in the Lord, children raised in Covenant families. It was exciting!
The new congregation needed leaders, but that’s when we hit a roadblock. Every candidate declined to be considered for leadership. They felt like their marriages and families were just barely holding together. Leadership was out of the question.
Instead of training church leaders, God led us to teach God’s design for marriage. We identified five areas where culture displays the exact opposite of what Scripture declares about marriage and family, parenting and children. We called them The Five Cultural Fault Lines and gathered our couples for a small group marriage discipleship series. And that’s when God turned the insurmountable obstacle (no new church leaders) into an incredible opportunity!
Our community wasn’t the only one struggling. Sister congregations asked us to help them strengthen marriages. Then churches from other denominations and other countries began asking us to help them minister to marriages and families. Leo, a young pastor in Santiago, Chile, invited us to lead a marriage retreat for the pastors of his denomination. At the closing meal, one of the senior wives gave testimony:
“If we had known these things 20 or 30 years ago, how different our marriages and families would be. How different our churches would be. And now, they will be different, according to God’s design! Thank you for teaching us these truths from God’s Word to bring His grace into our families.”
We have hit a roadblock and need your help. We find ourselves in a difficult situation. In the midst of fruitful ministry and travel, Laura and I need to turn our attention to regaining monthly support that has dwindled so we can continue strengthening families and marriages, and thereby providing new leader candidates for churches in Latin America and among US Hispanic communities.
We are trusting the Lord to provide full support to bring our missionary account balance to a healthy level, allowing us to continue serving unhindered. Please take a few moments right now to pray for us, and then later today or tomorrow lift our plea before God together with your family. Would you pray with us asking God to make this happen quickly?
We are so grateful for the way God has consistently used your encouragement, prayer, and financial gifts. Your faithfulness has been a humbling reminder of His provision. God often takes impossible situations and turns them into blessings! You have both seen and been part of His blessing through the years. Thank you!
Thank you for your faithful partnership with us in the Gospel! Your giving helps marriages and families continue to hear life-changing truth, find Christ as their Savior, and build their lives and families on the foundation of His love. We are so grateful for the amazing blessing that it has been to daily work in ministry. Thank you for praying for this support raising obstacle and the opportunities that are sure to follow. We will keep you posted!
With gratitude,
Roger and Laura Dye