Grow in Joy and Confidence!

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Refreshingly simple, remarkably effective tools for your spiritual walk.

✓ Engage with Scripture.
✓ Transform your life.
✓ Fulfill your purpose.

Something Should Be Said book cover
The Hurricane of a Whisper book cover
Portada del libro: Métodos sencillos de estudio bíblico
Simple Bible Study Methods You Can Master front cover
tapa del libro Niña Preciosa
The cover of Precious Girl. The Foster Dad is one one knee and the Foster Mom is kneeling. Between them they are hugging Precious Girl.

Roger & Laura Dye

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

Portrait of Roger and Laura. They are both wearing black shirts against a dark blue background. Laura is wearing a white pearl necklace.

Thirty years ago we committed ourselves to full time ministry. It has been a joy to watch God turn insurmountable obstacle into incredible opportunities! Our goal is to help you understand God’s life-changing truth, find Christ as your Savior, and build your life and family on the foundation of His Word. We are so grateful for the amazing blessing that it has been to daily work in ministry.